Love For Sale in Acapulco

Love Has Many (Familiar) Faces (1965) Lana Turner, stood against a process screen, is gored by a bull. This may be your idea of unforgettable. It is certainly mine. At left is an ad I clipped from The Charlotte Observer in 1965. S omething told me even t hen that this was not a sort of picture they would be making much longer. Lana Turner i n a swims uit and drawing on a cigarette put me on notice that here was adult entertainment. There was also the little box at lower right about Lana's "Million Dollar Wardrobe By Edith Head," this back when fashion in films still meant something. Women not working outside the home would attend matinees of Love Has Many Faces , sometimes in groups, this occasional relief from bridge parties or garden clubs. Most of that would crash down by decade finish, as did themes like Love Has Many Faces explored. It was shot in Acapulco and Mexico City , those aspects sold hard. Men and women of the cast had to buff up for abbreviated att...