Samples Of How It Played

Pulling Ambersons Plow Through Exhibition Here are ads from The Magnificent Ambersons . There are thousands more for whoever might give effort to flush them out. The truest story of public reception to any film is told by ads, not critics or reviews. Showmen had to gauge pulse of their customers and sell accordingly. They k new better than Hollywood what a public would buy, and how preference could change from one week, or day, to th e next. The Magnificent Ambersons would have been but vaguely familiar to most theatre men. There was a novel source, but published in 1918. How many busy exhibs read it, or car ed to? Radio listeners may have recalled the story from Welles' Campbell Playhouse of several years before (ad for that above). The Magnificent Ambersons would have been part of a season commitment with RKO for independents not part of that compan y's theatre chain. A pressbook might advise on how to sell, but that help only went so far. Much of management considered ...