Is There No End To Katzman Cheapies?

Battle Of Rogue River (1954) An Oft-Told Tale

Sam Katzman produced, Bill Castle directs ... which means not a dime will be spent unnecessarily. Whenever there is mass formation of Indians, you can bet it's borrowed footage, "Battles" otherwise small-scale. Personality was needed to prop up tired 50's cowpoking, but major stars could do but a fraction of outdoor action a hungry market needed, thus second stringer George Montgomery and like others busy throughout a decade in shows that couldn't help turning profit. Katzman had a profit share with Columbiaand office space on the lot, being  independent after a fashion, even though most financing came by way of the Cohns, who had prior approval on whatever projects Sam initiated. By the 50's, he was picking titles out of exploitation's hat, none less than sure things for theatres and mostly drive-ins voracious to fill short dates. Battle Of Rogue River is numbingly commonplace, but if caught HD, and in 1.85 as released, can amuse as was case sixty years ago. Definitely another where presentation is the tipping point.


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