Hot Stuff On 40's Tap

Careful --- You Too Might Faint!

Talk all we like about popular and big hit films, but none lit fires like a latest sex thrill spread like grass fire among populace shocked, but curious, to what latest fence was down in exploitation. Much of this stuff was recycled from heaven knows what had run before, but slap on a fresh title and ... off to races we go. Who'd complain to management of having already seen trash like this? Folks entered and left with collars turned up in any event. Sex pics were like peas under a shell at midways --- suckers knew they were being ripped off, and sure enough they were. You had to be at least 21 to see Sex Maniac in San Francisco, but there was bonus of a stage show. Was it burlesque dancing? The "Capitol Follies" venue suggests so. It took two drive-ins to contain crowds for No Greater Sin, outdoors an assist to anonymous view. 56,000 saw it during one Pittsburghweek? Could be, even as they stood in elements because no room was left for cars. I like "Many Will Faint, Don't Come Alone!" In event the movie got boring (a likelihood), you could walk around the lot and watch people pass out (note that the faint risk is mentioned four times in this ad). Birth of baby footage had been known to give men the vapors, so warnings were apt. Sissies stay home! Was No Greater Sin being oversold? I wouldn't know, having not seen it. Records show a 1941 production, with Leon Ames, Luana Walters, Tris Coffin, others recognizable, so bottom wasn't altogether scraped. A DVD can he had, if you must. Appropriately, it's from Alpha.


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